Monday, June 25, 2018

Killing the Giants

Hey all! It's been a hot minute since I last updated you, and I apologize. But let me explain.

This past week on mission was entitled "Killing the Giants" week. Calming, right? No but for real, this week was a strong emphasis on evangelizing. As much as we all love God and proclaiming His name, it can be scary. It takes boldness to approach strangers and strike up a spiritual conversation. We're never alone in this endeavor, though. God - the creator of the universe - is right there with us every step of the way. Letting fears hold us back just limits His glory and power. That's why this fourth week of mission, we wanted to get over those fears to lead to an even more miraculous summer.

Killing the giant of sharing looks a little different for everyone. For some people, it looks like approaching bigger groups. For others, it looks like talking with people of a different age. Whatever the challenge, God is bigger. So we all took steps of faith and promised to go outside of our comfort zone this past week and trust God to kill our giants. We all set a qualitative goal of who we wanted to share with, and a quantitative goal of how many people we wanted to talk to. We all decided to go out sharing everyday for as long as we had - this being the reason why I didn't have time to update you. And let me tell you. God delivered.

My own personal qualitative giant was to talk to people I have known for a long time. I have such a passion to share with strangers. It's easy for me to trust God to direct that conversation. Talking to people I know scares me a lot more. I'm afraid they will hear my words but know what a sinner I am and not listen because I'm being a hypocrite. I'm afraid it will ruin our relationship. I'm afraid to bring it up now after so long of not. But our God has such a heart for finding the lost. That's why He includes so many parables about it - the lost coin, the lost sheep, the lost son. The more I shared with people on the boardwalk everyday and heard their stories, the more my heart broke for the lost and gave me courage to approach those I've known for a long time. I talked to my mission friends and prayed about the best way to approach this since the conversation will look different than sharing with strangers. I felt so unqualified and unprepared. But God qualifies the unqualified. I don't have all the answers, but He does. Trusting God this week in sharing with those I'm close with was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. But trusting God this week grew my faith like nothing else.

My own personal quantitative goal was to talk to 62 people and have spiritual/gospel conversations in five days. The thought of doing that despite working 8 hours everyday seemed impossible. But at this point, I've learned to not doubt God. So I went with it and shared every chance I got. At the end of the week, I tallied it up and found I had exactly 62. I was blown away. But I was more blown away by the conversations. I saw people come to Christ. I saw other people reject Christ. I saw some people being torn between being in control and letting God be in control. Every single person I encountered made my own faith grow deeper and give me a want to keep talking to more. God has been breaking my heart for those who don't know Him. Please pray for those I talked to.

If this is something that God has been challenging you with and you'd like advice, please reach out! Sharing God's word is my favorite thing to do, and I pray it becomes yours as well. Every single time I take that step in faith, I learn more about God. God killed the giants in my life this week, and really solidified my purpose and passion here on this earth. I pray you allow Him to kill your giants too and see what He does with them.

Faithful follower - Kels

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