Monday, June 4, 2018

The Confession of Confession

In the seven short days that I have called Ocean City home, God has changed my life. I have no other explanation for such a heart change other than our mighty God. Let me attempt to explain.

This past week has looked like a lot of raw emotions and vulnerability. Many tears have been shed and friendships made as we have realized just how broken we are next to our holy God. See here at Ocean City, we have these things called action groups which is a group of 3-5 students of your gender meeting with your discipler - a full time missionary on Cru's staff. My action group met on the beach one night and just shared the story of our life - our highs and lows, how we came to know Jesus, our mistakes and sins. Maybe it was the ocean waves or maybe it was realizing how  genuine all these girls were, but my past came pouring out with shame. The gospel shone through those girls that day as they prayed over my sins and loved me for who I was. It's a beautiful picture of being fully known and fully loved by God. It's also a beautiful picture of how God changes hearts considering I came to Ocean City with the condition that I didn't have to share my sins because that's "just embarrassing".

The next night looked like all 60 women on the trip gathering in one room to do the same thing. Four hours went by as we all poured out our dark secrets to each other to ask for help. I learned there is just something so freeing about confessing. Romans 3:23 says " For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". ALL have sinned. Why pretend we don't? By admitting to our mistakes, we only raise God higher up. A beautiful thing about living in the Christian family is that we don't have to have the burden of trying to do it on our own. By confessing, we are opening up and letting other people help share our burdens.

Even when sharing the gospel on the beach, confessing does amazing things. I confessed my struggles to a woman on the boardwalk, and it opened up a conversation about how much we need Jesus. It connected us, and it took away the stereotype that Christians have it all together. Even my sweet roommate has been teaching me this. The very first morning together, she woke up and exclaimed "I need roommate confession time!" She then shared what she woke up convicted with. And you know what, it didn't make me judge her. It made me respect her so much more. To quote a song from High School Musical, "We're all in this together". I encourage you today to explore the possibility of being vulnerable. If there is no one in your life that you feel comfortable doing that with, I would love to talk to you. There is nothing more freeing than confessing and letting Jesus's forgiveness wash over you through people.

Other big things have been happening at Ocean City as well. We have been out sharing the gospel on the beach and some students have already seen people come to Christ as a result. Other days have looked like worshiping God in our house for two straight hours. Games have been played, friendships formed, and shoulders burnt. I ask for your prayers as we continue this summer getting to know Jesus more. I ask for prayers as we form relationships with co-workers in attempt to share the love of our savior. Mostly, I ask for prayers that God moves in Ocean City this summer. To God be the glory!

Kels - Faithful Follower

Action Group

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