Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Hi friends!

I don't know how God continues to teach me so much in such little time. This blog is a little more of a personal story, but it's been on my heart so I invite you to see how God is shaping my life.

The past week was titled World Week. It concentrated on God's calling in all of our lives to reach different parts of the world and fulfill the Great Commission. For those of you unfamiliar, the great commission is found in Matthew 28:19-20 - "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." God is at work in the nations whether we involve ourselves or not. It is so incredibly beautiful.

From the time I was a kid at maybe age 10, I knew I wanted to be a missionary. I wanted to see God's Word move through the world. But I thought that being a missionary only looked like moving to a desolate jungle island and living with a tribe. While that can certainly be true, I didn't feel called there. I was in such conflict at such a young age of how to be a missionary. When high school and the age of choosing a career rolled around, I decided on event planning. I had a talent and a passion for it, but it never really fulfilled me.

Fast forward to now. One of our wonderful Cru staff gave a message about not living in our comfort zone of the typical American life. All that was running through my mind was all of the people here in their comfort zone and living the typical American life. They don't know they need anything more. My heart hurt for them. That's when I realized those are the exact people I am going to be working with in the business world. I suddenly was able to see how God had fit all of the pieces of my life together - my talents for events and my heart for sharing the Gospel with Americans. Ministry in the business world is what God has called me to do, as terrifying as that is. I mean why would they want to listen to me? Realizing that for sure gave me peace that surpasses all understanding. While the details might be sketchy - what specific city, what ministry training to gather before entering the workforce, etc - my vision to see the great commission fulfilled has taken shape.

I don't share this to brag about how God revealed something to me. I share this to encourage you. I never saw until this week just how God uses our passions and talents to accomplish His work if we let Him. While I wanted to be called overseas, my talents and heart are for here. I pray you can use your talents and passions for the Lord as well. Our time here is so short. It's a beautiful thing when we can use that time to bring glory to God in our own unique ways. Nothing is more fulfilling. If you need some direction at where your skills lie, I recommend taking a Spiritual gifts test and praying over the results. We were made to fulfill the great commission if we so choose to dedicate our lives to that. I pray you have found the way God has called you.

Faithful Follower - Kels

My sweet discipler Amelia

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