Friday, July 27, 2018

Look At The Birds

Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Hey y'all!

This verse is a pretty common one. I've heard it. I've believed it. But it has taken on a whole new meaning to me this past week in Ocean City. Part of that is due to the gosh dang seagulls here.. but in all reality, God's provision over me this past week has been crazy. Prepare to get a full load of my life in these next paragraphs.

God's provision has shown itself in an abundance of ways. One of the hard parts about being on mission is the financial aspect. Food here is not provided and is not cheap to buy. I was getting really frustrated with the amount being spent on food. So I decided to have more self-control. When people went out for ice cream, I said no. And when I went to do quiet time at the coffee shop, I didn't buy any coffee. Small things, but things that were hard to do. And God provided. He sent a friend to me with ice cream that first night, and a friend to buy me coffee the next day. Again, they were little things, but they touched me so much. God cares. He saw my efforts, and He didn't leave me alone. That same week that I was stressed out about finances, I literally cried out to God. Within half an hour, he sent me an email with a job offer. God doesn't leave us, guys. Now that doesn't mean God will always give me what I want. It just shows that God is powerful enough to do what needs to be done. He will provide for us much more than He'll provide for the birds. And let me tell you - those seagulls are sure well-fed.

Another way God has shown provision is by teaching me that I need to accept help from people. For those of you who know me well, you know that I don't like to be weak. I don't like to accept help. But God knew that was an unhealthy mindset, so He did what He needed to do to change that. A hard situation arose that I didn't know how to handle. I've been learning to lean on the help of all 67 other students here. They have given me wise words, emotional support, love, protection, and hugs. I could honestly not have done it without them. They were the provision God gave to me.

Just because we go through trials doesn't mean that God isn't providing. In fact, it's the opposite. It means God is providing. He cares about the little things. He provides. He is always providing sanctification and love. He is providing himself. He is providing the church - community. And those are better things than anything from this life. It's not all good. But God is all good. And He's working it out.

Faithful Follower - Kels

My support group this past week

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